
教育引领:通过教育赋能女性 Educate to Elevate: Empowering Women Throughducation

Wed, 06 Dec 2023 20:00:00 GMT+08 ~ Wed, 06 Dec 2023 21:00:00 GMT+08
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(Xian Shang Huo Dong)
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    继上一个月(1121日)SHE REWIRES宣布与美国昆藤商学院 (Quantic School of Business and Technology)开启合作,共同赋能女性,释放她潜力,为更多女性提供专业的职业和数字技能支持,126日双方将迎来首次线上合作活动。在本次活动中,我们邀请到一家国际银行的高管、美国昆藤商学院院学员Tiffany Dong ,她将以“自动化如何加速银行业的发展”为主题,分享 Open AIGen AI API 在这家国际银行自动化进程中的最新应用。


    Following last month's announcement (November 21st) of SHE REWIRES collaborating with Quantic School of Business and Technology to empower women and unleash their potential by providing professional career and digital skill support, the first online collaborative event between the two parties is set for December 6th. In this event, we have invited Tiffany Dong, an executive at an international bank and a student of Quantic. She will share insights on "How Automation is Accelerating the Development of the Banking Sector", focusing on the latest applications of Open AI, Gen AI, and APIs in the automation process at this international bank.


    活动还邀请到美国昆藤商学院执行主任AngelaAngela将与 SHE REWIRES创始人Jill展开对话,就双方合作目的以及开启未来更多可能做更进一步探讨,为挖掘女性智慧和力量,助力中国科技女性新形象,更多推动社会的进步和发展。


    The event will also feature Angela, the Executive Director of Quantic. Angela will engage in a dialogue with Jill, the founder of SHE REWIRES, to further explore the purpose of their collaboration and the opening of more future possibilities. Their discussion aims to tap into the wisdom and strength of women, support the emerging image of women in Chinese technology, and further promote societal progress and development.




    In addition, Robert, the Academic Program Director of Quantic, will be remotely connected from the United States to interact with you, answering all the questions related to the course content and helping you to know more about Quantic and the related courses. Warm tip: It is recommended to prepare a list of questions in advance to seize such a rare opportunity to communicate one-on-one with the head of the school.


    Event Rundown

    20:00 嘉宾演讲Keynote - Tiffany Dong

    20:20 炉边对谈Fireside Chat - Angela & Jill

    20:40 昆藤课程介绍 Course Intro-Robert Steele

    20:50 问答环节 Q&A

    Event Detail

    日期 Date2024.12.6

    时间 Time20:00-21:00



    昆藤为SHE REWIRES社群成员提供全新推出的、全英文、高管短期证书课程的部分或全额奖学金。该课程系列内容涵盖AI和商业的未来、C-Level进阶之路和金融与数据等三大领域。Robert将在本次活动中与我们分享QUANTIC证书课程的设计理念,感兴趣的小伙伴千万不要错过。

    QUANTIC is offering partial or full scholarships for its newly launched, all-English executive short certificate courses to SHE REWIRES community members. This course series covers three major areas: the future of AI and business, the path to C-Level advancement, and finance and data. Robert will share about QUANTIC's related theoretical courses in this event, a session not to be missed by those interested.


    Additionally, there will be a Q&A interaction segment, allowing for one-on-one exchanges with the guests to gain a deeper understanding of digital skills and various aspects of women's career development.


    嘉宾1: Tiffany Dong,交付总监,工作于一家国际银行,美国昆藤商学院EMBA学员

    Tiffany DongDirector of Delivery, working at an international bank, EMBA student at Quantic

    Tiffany Dong拥有广东工业大学技术与工商管理学士学位,现任一家国际银行交付总监,并正在美国昆藤商学院攻读EMBA。她将分享其在银行业务和技术结合方面的丰富经验,以及作为女性科技领导者的独特视角。

    Tiffany Dong holds a Bachelor's degree in Technology and Business Management from Guangdong University of Technology. She currently serves as the Director of Delivery at an international bank and is pursuing an EMBA at Quantic.


    嘉宾2: 徐庆菁博士 (Angela),美国昆藤商学院执行主任

    Guest 2: Dr. Qingjing Xu (Angela), Executive Director, QUANTIC


    Dr. Angela Xu Qingjing has a profound background in organizational change, human resources, and career development. She has previously held positions as the Chief Culture Officer, HR Head, and Executive Vice President at EF Education First China. Dr. Xu not only possesses a doctoral degree in Organizational Change from Hult International Business School but also brings a wealth of practical experience and theoretical knowledge.


    嘉宾3: Jill Tang

    唐文洁是一位社会企业创业者、社群打造者和ESG倡导者。她是科技女性社群SHE REWIRES的创始人和社群共建者,其使命是通过行动为所有人转变现状和重塑 一个更加多元和包容的STEAM 的未来。它是一家链接 70,000 多名会员与130位志愿共建者的社会创新初创企业。她也是2023妇女地位委员会第六十七届会议的实质性筹备工作联合国妇女问题专家组成员并提供专家意见。 


    Jill Tang is a social entrepreneur and community builder and an ESG advocate. Jill is the Founder and Community Co-Builder at SHE REWIRES,  a social enterprise with the mission of rewiring and transforming the status quo for women in Science, Technology,  Engineering, Art and Mathematics (STEAM) and reshape the future of STEAM for ALL. It connects more than 70,000+ members with 130 dedicated co-builders around the globe. Jill was also in the expert group for UN-Women to inform the substantive preparations for the sixty-seventh session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW67). 




    She holds Bachelor of Commerce from Latrobe University, Master of Applied Finance from Monash University and MBA from Melbourne Business School. Jill also completed her Gender Equality Program Certification at INSEAD in 2019 and Executive Certificate for Special Management for Non-Profit at Harvard Business School in 2023.


    嘉宾4Dr. Robert Steele

    Robert Steele 博士现任美国昆藤商学院学术及技术项目负责人兼教授。他拥有计算机科学(人工智能子领域)博士学位,并有 10 多年担任系主任或以上职位的学术部门领导经验,其中包括博士、研究生和本科生项目领导经验。他发表了 150 多篇经同行评审的研究论文。

    Dr. Robert Steele serves as Academic Program Director, Technology Programs and Professor at Quantic. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science (in the sub-field of Artificial Intelligence) and has over 10 years of academic department leadership experience as Department Chair or above, which has included doctoral, graduate and undergraduate program leadership. He has published over 150 peer-reviewed research publications.

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